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  • Writer's pictureMirko

Passion for IT and electronics

Even as a child, I preferred playing with soldering irons to Matchbox cars.

Back then, I built light barriers, audio amplifiers and things like that using simple electronic kits. Computers became available in the early 90s. While my friends were playing on Amiga, Nintendo and the like, I was messing around with Autoexec.bat and Config.sys to get Indiana Jones to run on my 386 PC. Because of this passion, I now work as a computer scientist and have become an electronics nerd.

The simulator project also has a big link to this world. Without skills in the field of electronics and IT, the project cannot be implemented.

All functional elements such as switches, rotary controls, analog and digital displays in the simulator cockpit interact with the simulation software via Arduino microcontrollers and an RS485 bus. To do this, you need to have an understanding of microelectronics/electronics, be able to solder fairly cleanly and program the microcontrollers.

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