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  • Writer's pictureMirko

Fascination with model making

At some point I took a wrong turn and started making model trains in TT gauge and later N gauge as a hobby. I enjoyed building models, but later I realized that you never really finish with a model train and can just "play" with it. After we moved into our house I had to dismantle the train again so that I could transport it. But I somehow didn't feel like doing it anymore and never built it again and later sold everything I had of it.

Building a flight simulator is also like model building. The model is the cockpit on a scale of 1:1. Here too, a high level of detail is required to make it look realistic. In my opinion, the advantage over a model railway is that you can finish it quickly and then fly. It's basically a transition from hobby model building to hobby flying. But model building remains, as there are always some optimizations to be made to the cockpit.

There are various statements about the future of the A10 in the US armed forces, but in 2020 it was decided that parts of the A10 fleet would be upgraded with new systems. You can also find information/details on the Internet that, for example, the central cockpit elements will be replaced by a multifunctional display (everything within the red frame). So there will always be a certain amount of model building later on.

For me, model building is also something that allows me to unwind after work.

You can create something physical that doesn't exist anywhere else. For me, that's a counterbalance to all the bits and bytes (and eventually the qubits :-)) in my job.

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